Knoblauch und Zwiebeln, die zur Familie der Alliumgewächse gehören, sind in vielen Küchen der Welt ein fester Bestandteil. Bei manchen Menschen können diese Lebensmittel jedoch aufgrund ihrer einzigartigen Bestandteile allergische Reaktionen auslösen. Die Erkennung und Behandlung von Knoblauch- und Zwiebelallergien ist entscheidend für eine gesunde, reaktionsfreie Ernährung....
Allergies to garlic and onion arise from the body’s immune response to specific proteins found in these foods, identifying them as harmful and triggering allergic reactions.
Yes, due to their similar chemical makeup as members of the Allium family, individuals allergic to one are often sensitive to the other, though the severity can vary.
While less common than outgrowing other food allergies, some individuals may see a reduction in symptoms over time. Regular check-ins with an allergist can help assess any changes in sensitivity.
GetTested’s Allergy Test Medium is our most extensive allergy test, designed to evaluate your sensitivity (IgE antibodies) to a wide range of 90 allergens. This includes an array of foods, pollen types, animal dander, mold varieties, and specific substances such as latex and bee venom. Conducted in a laboratory with ISO certification, this test stands out for its detailed analysis, all from a sample collected by you at home. Scroll down to see all items tested.
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